
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Registration............ Soon..

This last month has felt like years, endless waiting!! But on Monday i had a long awaited call from the Conveyancer letting me know that the title office now has the registration and should only take 7 days to register, fingers crossed we will be first time Land owners and settle in the coming weeks!! On the builders side of things we are nearly completely ready for our build to start just have to sign off on our finally Plans which should be ready next week..... Its very exciting to see all our fellow Avenue bloggers starting there build process, i just cant wait!!

In other news Tristan and I went for a drive down to the estate last Saturday to see the block and visit the new Metricon display, we were a Lil bit excited to see that this display is very similar to our colour choices in so many ways, It was the first time that we have seen our tiles 600x600 porcelain white tiles done in a house and also the kitchen colour choices are very similar, we were really happy to see so many of our choices all together, helpfully ours will just as good!! So if anyone goes into the newest Metricon display have a look at the tiles they are beautiful, very happy with this decision of ours!!


Raelene said...

Too exciting!!!
I haven;t gone for a peep in the newest of the 3 Metricon's down there. now I've got incentive to get my rear end out of the car and have a look at your colours.
Ours are really similar to the middle of the 3 - render, kitchen almost exactly the same.
Can't wait to watch your build - it's gunna look really pretty!!!

Janine K said...

Congrats guys, I know exactly how you feel, its so exciting to finally own that piece of dirt. Look forward to being building buddies soon!!! We will be almost within spitting distance of each other!!

Tash said...

Ohh Reinsey you have to go and have a look its beautiful, i know what you mean tho it took us a few weeks to actually stop the car and get off our lil toosh for a look, but it will be worth it ;) I love the middle of the two displays its gorgeous, your house will be beautiful!!

Janine, we are nearly there altho however plainfull the wait has been its all going to be worth it the day we see our lovely slabs in shinning in front of us :) Which number is your block??

Raelene said...

Just wait til you get the slab invoice Tash. We could have bought a new commodore with that money!!!! Hmm...slab / commodore / slab / commodore. It's a toss up.

Promise I'll look next time we're down at the estate. I feel bad though. The sales people get all excited until you tell them you're with another builder and you're just tyre kicking. Spesh that Metricon guy with the accent. He looks so sad all the time. Not that I've been through the middle display all that often (8 times!) (wouldn't you think he'd recognise us by now?)

Tash said...

Ooo the slab invoice $$$$ hahaha not looking forward to that Reinsey, it will actually be very interesting to see all the priceing tho!!

I no, i no, every time we go into the displays i have to say sorry but we already brought with you guys lol, Hahaha 8 times Reinsey, they may just recognize you, but dont worry i reckon we wouldnt be to far off your 8 visits, we love just going and looking at them all so many good ideas!!